Special Tools & Accessories
1. Knife T-Don Carlos: It has wooden handle and blade reinforced adjustable.
2. Adjustable knife to cut tarps: good precision in stepless works.
3. Knife Olfa: With adjustable disposable blade, provides greater precision in the work.
4. Blade for Olfa knife.
5. Unstick tarps: It facilitates access of the tool to remove the rubber strips in stepless work.
6. Rollers: Recommended for the settlement of rubber strips repairs, repairs of rubber belts and tapestries.
7. Rollers with double effect: Indispensable on completion of conveyor belts repair. They provide uniform press ensuring total quality of service.
8. Infrared Dryer: has 9 (nine) ceramic resistances distributed in areas of 650 mm x 650 mm. It completely eliminates the moisture in the housings providing quality repairs, even at low temperatures and rainy weather.
9. Press pincers: Eases stepping on repairs of conveyor belts.
10. Round Brush: has short and firm bristles of 45 mm in diameter, it is essential to evenly spread the adhesive.
11. Carbides: Available in diameter 102 x 38 x 14 mm, 16/36 grade. They provide optimum texture in rubber, ensuring high quality repairs of conveyor belts.
12. Flat Disc: Indicated in the preparation of the rubber carpets liners. Available in grades 16/36. 180 mm diameter, thickness 3 mm and 14 mm hollow.
13. Heat Blower: With graduation 100 ° to 600 ° C. Suitable for moisture removal conveyor belts, substantially improving the quality of repairs and arrangements.
14. Rubber Friser : Automatic operation, temperature control, anatomical grip and adjustable depth and width of groove.